Accelerate Prosperity

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About Us

#We Are Accelerate Prosperity AP


Accelerate Prosperity initiative (AP) aims to support and catalyze sustainable small and growing businesses. Started in 2016 as a joint initiative of the Aga Khan Foundation (AKF) and the Aga Khan Fund for Economic Development’s Industrial Promotion Services (AKFED IPS), AP aims to inspire entrepreneurship, facilitate innovative business models, coach promising entrepreneurs, create networks and mentorship opportunities, and accelerate business growth.

Participation in the program is competitive, and participants pitch their business ideas to a panel of experts in order to pass from each stage. Investment decisions are based on set criteria, including a clear market niche, competitive advantage, strong revenue and profit models, potential for growth and employment creation, and potential to promote gender equality. For investment-ready enterprises, AP offers “patient” capital, even if uneven cash flows render them poorly suited for traditional bank financing, together with customized pre- and post-financing technical assistance.

#We Are Accelerate Prosperity (AP)

AP Services

#We Are Accelerate Prosperity AP

Our Values

An inclusive and prosperous society powered by entrepreneurs.
In 5-7 years’, time:

  • Global leader on enterprise growth acceleration in fragile states, with a niche in supporting youth and women entrepreneurs, and Small and Growing Businesses (SGBs) that link rural and urban areas.
  • Lead player in startup and SME ecosystem in rural and semi urban areas of Afghanistan, that generates investable entrepreneurs and businesses.
  • Central place for investable youth specially women entrepreneurs.
  • Key advisor and partner for government, donors and development finance institutions (DFIs) on issues around rural entrepreneurship.
  • Facilitator of regional trade in Tajikistan, Pakistan, Afghanistan and Kyrgyzstan.

To inspire rising entrepreneurs in emerging regions to grow new markets, create sustainable employment, and strengthen communities. To create sustainable Small and Growing Businesses (SGBs) by promoting entrepreneurship and creating space to facilitate more appropriate technical expertise, mentoring and creative financial solutions, which can bridge the gaps between investors, government, donors and entrepreneurs, and spur dialogue between stakeholders in the business ecosystem. Its long-term mission is to create inclusive economic growth and empowerment, with a focus on youth and women in rural and semi-rural areas.

Accelerate Prosperity (AP) is a new global initiative of the AKDN in Central and South Asia, which follows guidance from the Aga Khan Foundation (AKF) and Industrial Promotion Services to develop more formal structures to catalyze enterprises within AKDN’s main area development programs, where economic opportunities remain insufficient. The overall mandate of Accelerate Prosperity is to support creation of Small and Growing Businesses (SGB), which are “commercially viable businesses with a potential to create social and economic impact within their communities” and to facilitate growth of select-existing businesses and startups through relevant knowledge, advice, technical assistance and the capital they need to become the SGBs of tomorrow (ideally within the next 3-5 years).

An inclusive and prosperous society powered by entrepreneurs.
In 5-7 years’, time:

  • Global leader on enterprise growth acceleration in fragile states, with a niche in supporting youth and women entrepreneurs, and Small and Growing Businesses (SGBs) that link rural and urban areas.
  • Lead player in startup and SME ecosystem in rural and semi urban areas of Afghanistan, that generates investable entrepreneurs and businesses.
  • Central place for investable youth specially women entrepreneurs.
  • Key advisor and partner for government, donors and development finance institutions (DFIs) on issues around rural entrepreneurship.
  • Facilitator of regional trade in Tajikistan, Pakistan, Afghanistan and Kyrgyzstan.

To inspire rising entrepreneurs in emerging regions to grow new markets, create sustainable employment, and strengthen communities. To create sustainable Small and Growing Businesses (SGBs) by promoting entrepreneurship and creating space to facilitate more appropriate technical expertise, mentoring and creative financial solutions, which can bridge the gaps between investors, government, donors and entrepreneurs, and spur dialogue between stakeholders in the business ecosystem. Its long-term mission is to create inclusive economic growth and empowerment, with a focus on youth and women in rural and semi-rural areas.

Accelerate Prosperity (AP) is a new global initiative of the AKDN in Central and South Asia, which follows guidance from the Aga Khan Foundation (AKF) and Industrial Promotion Services to develop more formal structures to catalyze enterprises within AKDN’s main area development programs, where economic opportunities remain insufficient. The overall mandate of Accelerate Prosperity is to support creation of Small and Growing Businesses (SGB), which are “commercially viable businesses with a potential to create social and economic impact within their communities” and to facilitate growth of select-existing businesses and startups through relevant knowledge, advice, technical assistance and the capital they need to become the SGBs of tomorrow (ideally within the next 3-5 years).


Afghanistan economy has been highly volatile and dependent upon foreign aid since the last 5 decades and private sector has been specifically affected. In such a challenging and emerging market, boosting the entrepreneurial ecosystem is critically essential to promote economic growth in emerging market of Afghanistan. Here comes the Accelerate Prosperity Afghanistan; an initiative of the Aga Khan Development Network to play a key role in growth of promising startups and SMEs through provision of technical assistance and reliable Islamic financing.

Shujauddin Jalali


#We Are Accelerate Prosperity AP

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#We Are Accelerate Prosperity AP

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