Accelerate Prosperity

Representatives of the tourism sector in Karakol can receive up to $50,000 for development

The project “Sustainable Development of Winter Tourism in the Kyrgyz Republic” (hereinafter WTK) in collaboration with Accelerate Prosperity announces a competition for small and medium-sized enterprises in the field of tourism in the city of Karakol to receive investments of up to 50 thousand US dollars. The acceleration program will take place within the framework of the WTK Project, funded by the Swiss Government through the Swiss State Secretariat for Economic Affairs (SECO).

Entrepreneurs and organizations of the city of Karakol working in the field of winter and year-round tourism, with an annual turnover of at least 350 thousand soms, operating in the market for more than one year and an operating cycle of at least one calendar year, are invited to participate in the competition. Entrepreneurs and representatives of selected companies will take part in the acceleration program, focusing on eight weeks of intensive training in general business management, financial planning, sales and marketing, service quality and digitalization, and will also receive individual advice from Accelerate Prosperity business experts. Each participant will improve their business project together with a tracker specialist throughout the acceleration.

Upon completion of the training, participants present their business plans to the investment committee and potential investors. The committee will select the most promising proposals, which, after a due diligence process, will receive an investment of up to US$50,000.
Those interested must fill out an application at ссылке.

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